StealthTraxx Demo Deal,


Having a great, honest demo can make all the difference in the world.
An artist can, with a substantial bit of effort, produce polished ”commercial” sounding tunes in a studio..
But for DEMO PURPOSES, those are dishonest in most cases...and here's why:

Your not planning to bring your grand piano, Hammond B3 with Leslie
and the 4 friends who were your orchestral section on the recording,
along with the Vintage Instruments you rented for a small ransom
to play a gig that pays a couple hundred bucks, are you?

Chances are that unless your vocal ability is great, you did a few overdubs to get that PERFECT take.....

And when you deliver the polished product to your potential clients
They hear the culmination of your hours of hard work and skill...

However, what you bring to your live gig is "not quite the same" as the product you sent in as a demo.

Regardless of how good your product is, your only human, you might make mistakes and surely your not carrying around
the menagerie we talked about to the already less than optimal paying gigs that are available.


And the best way to give them an honest listen in their own space is a to let them hear a recording
of what you REALLY sound like on stage.. no frills, no black magic to correct everything...


Best way to provide that is a good demo, recorded and mixed to be honest.

Which is how we do things here at at StealthTraxx.
Honest and true to the artist.

There are 2 ways to go about this:

1- OUR SPACE - We are fortunate to be able to offer our clients recording time in
the Legendary and Magical space of Steve's Guitars in Carbondale.

We will do a single pass recording - no overdubs - and a same day mix and turnaround.
The final product will be posted on a secure server for your retrieval
and will remain there for 10 calendar days after it is posted.
You will be given credentials to retrieve the file.

2- YOUR SPACE- we come to your space, set up, track and leave.
Mix-down is done here at Our Space,
Same 1 pass recording with no overdubs and same day turnaround.

In either case we will record a few passes and choose the strongest performance to mix.

RATES and Fine Print;

Solo Artist demo tune $100.00
Band demo tune $250.00

Solo Artist demo tune $150.00
Band demo tune $300.00
Travel $75.00


Overdubs are $100/hour billed in quarter hour increments.
Regardless of who's space we use, the fee for Overdubs is the same as these are done to please the artist.
We do not limit the amount of time you need for overdubs.

Alternately your session TRACKS can be made available for download as well.

Standard delivery is Broadcast Wave, 24bit-48K files. (75.00 upload fee)

Optionally you may choose to have a ProTools 10 Session formatted and delivered (150.00 upload fee)

Additionally, we can shoot VIDEO in OUR SPACE.
The video shoot can be a one pass event without post production re-mixing.

LOCKDOWN (1) camera    $150.00
MULTI CAMERA (4) cameras w/Producer    $275.00

Video Files can be rather large depending on the format you choose to have.
A 4 gig (minimum) thumb drive is recommended for a single tune's storage in Hi Def.
We do not upload video files.

Your Space Video shoots are possible-please contact us directly to discuss.

Session Request form can be found here : THE DEMO DEALS
Please fill this out as completely as you are able to and submit,
we will contact you soonest!

All Sessions are to be paid for before the data is released to the client.

Cash or Pay Pal are accepted.